Crosson Acupuncture Clinic Melbourne
Acupuncture is a part of the treatment strategies applied by the Chinese medicine practitioner to promote health and well being in the client.
Its archaeological roots lay as far back as 5000BC.
Acupuncture can be applied to any disease pattern. Initially, there were around 80 acupuncture points but the art has developed over the centuries into a highly sophisticated system of over 400 acupuncture points.
Chi energy
Acupuncture is the pure application, and deep understanding, of Chi (energy). Chinese medicine has a highly articulated understanding of how our body produces and channels Chi.
The production of our body’s Chi is highly related to the emotional atmosphere within our hearts and bodies. Also closely related is diet, exercise and general lifestyle. So Chi energy can be seen as a result of a positive attitude, good physical fitness and appropriate diet for your lifestyle.
Chi (energy) emanates from the body in horizontal lines like the electromagnetic field of a magnet. This electromagnetic field organises itself in relationship to the electrical impulses of the nerve fibres under the skin. This creates a subtle electromagnetic field around our body with key intersecting (acupuncture) points not unlike a circuit board.
What to expect
The average acupuncture session lasts for around half an hour. Acupuncture needles pierce just a few millimetres into the surface of the skin.
You may be surprised to find that this process is relatively painless. Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with other types of Traditional Chinese Medicine, depending on the condition being treated.
“Many people suppose that one must have a client who is complicit with the therapy you’re about to use on them. But I am a living testament to TCM’s effectiveness after working with non-complicit clients for over 13 years. Nearly 100% of the time, clients that were highly cynical of the therapy found themselves profoundly affected by the experience.”
-Dr Allen Crosson
Acupuncture for Drug and Alcohol Detoxification
Acupuncture can be highly effective in the treatment of acute drug & alcohol detoxification.
“I myself worked for 10 years in the area of acute drug & alcohol detoxification at St Vincent‘s Hospital, Melbourne, using acupuncture protocols. I was able to see firsthand the extremely quick nature of Chinese medicine for providing physical relief for people in states of extreme distress. I was also fortunate enough to work in the area of homeless youth & disambiguated youth. Again, I was very fortunate to be in a position to see a demographic of society that usually would not have access to this type of therapy gain benefit from something they would not usually be exposed to.”
-Dr Allen Crosson
Acupuncture and Sports Medicine
Acupuncture has developed a very profound relationship with sports medicine in recent years.
Treating sports injuries with acupuncture has been seen to give quick relief of pain and has a capacity to rapidly induce deep states of relaxation.
“In the 10 years I worked at Saint Vincent‘s Hospital I would see, on average, 10 clients a week for 49 weeks of the year. In this time therefore, I treated thousands of clients using basic Chinese medicine acupuncture protocols with great success.”
-Dr Allen Crosson